Renewed microsite of our Linda Smart Vision system has been completed

Linda Smart Vision intelligent building and industrial monitoring system is equipped with built-in energy report manager and additional freely programmable functions has got her own website based on the experience of the systems introduced in the last 2 years.

As the Swiss Army knife of smart buildings, the system contains everything you need to manage and supervise a smart building:

  • remote access and mobile application;
  • alerts and treshold monitoring subsystem;
  • data colletion and grafic analytics system;
  • PLC modelled programming features

In 15 years, we have been able to take part in numerous industrial and building automation projects. That's how we have experienced the real problems that characterize each discipline. Throughout the development, we kept these in mind, creating a compact solution that creates real value instead of impossible promises.

The product is available in a variety of versions, from the Linda Smart Vision Router with home wireless module to multi-building Enterprise versions.

See details and website: